20-year-old Southern University student was taking part in a fraternity ritual off campus when he collapsed and later died, a source familiar with the case said.

Members of the Omega Psi Phi fraternity were reportedly carrying out a ritual where pledges stand in line when the student collapsed, the source said.

An autopsy is being performed to determine the exact cause of death.

The student, identified as Caleb Wilson, was a member of the Human Jukebox, the school’s marching band.

The student was unresponsive when a group of friends brought him to Baton Rouge General Hospital on Bluebonnet Boulevard early Thursday morning, Feb. 27.

The group had been at North Sherwood Forest Community Park prior to being brought to the hospital, investigators said.

Hospital staff pronounced the student dead and called Baton Rouge Police at 3:15 a.m., triggering a death investigation.

The student is from the Kenner and his father is high-ranking member of law enforcement in that area.
